CEO Message
We Are “Tsunagu” Experts

Accelerating value creation for a new era through exceptional “tsunagu” – connectivity technology and extensive expertise.
Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has unlocked infinite value through connection – from the ancient Silk Road to modern innovations like the Internet and cloud computing, and now advancing to next-generation digital technologies built on 6G and blockchain. Connections foster exchange, exchange drives transformation, and transformation propels societal and economic progress.
In the 2020s, we are witnessing the continued evolution of connection. The proliferation of smart devices, satellite internet, IoT, and the emergence of Web 3 and blockchain technologies are enabling the formation of more autonomous and dynamic global networks.
These technological innovations are unleashing unprecedented liquidity of information and capital, profoundly transforming how value is created in organizations. We are entering an era where rigid organizational structures are giving way to flexible, boundaryless teams. Companies and individuals, geographically dispersed yet autonomous and collaborative, are breaking traditional boundaries to create new forms of value through dynamic collaboration.
At Asteria, we believe that this evolution of connectivity is the driving force behind accelerating both corporate and societal value creation. With our cutting-edge technology and proven track record, we are committed to empowering businesses and individuals worldwide through our innovative software products and services, fostering meaningful connections and leading the way into a new era of value creation.
HIRANO Yoichiro (Pina)
President & Chief Executive Officer