Company Information
When was Asteria Corporation established?
It was established in 1998 by HIRANO Yoichiro and KITAHARA Yoshiyuki.
When were the shares listed?
The company was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers market on June 22, 2007; and changed to the First Section on March 26, 2018. It has now moved to the Prime Market as of April 2022.
Tell me about your management and founding principles.
Please refer to Our Philosophy.
Tell me about your business.
We are an IT company specializing in the development and sales of “connecting” business software.
Click here to for more details.
What is the origin of the company name “Asteria”?
“Asteria” means “constellation” in Greek. It was chosen as the company name to reflect our goal of creating new forms and values by connecting the various things that shine on Earth, just like constellations. Click here for more details.
Stock Related
Which securities exchanges are you listed on?
We are listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
How many shares are in one (1) trading unit?
1 unit = 100 shares.
What is Asteria’s Securities Identification Code?
It is 3853.
What is the total number of issued shares?
17,491,265 shares have been issued.
Who should I contact regarding various stock-related procedures?
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. Click here for more details.
Do you have a shareholder benefit program?
Yes. Click here for details.
Can I watch the financial results briefing on video?
Yes, we livestream our financial results presentations on YouTube. The archive videos are uploaded a few days later and available to watch on our official YouTube channel.
Financial Statements
When does Asteria’s fiscal year end?
Each quarter ends in August, November and February. The fiscal year ends in March.
When are financial results announced?
Please refer to our IR Calendar for the announcement schedule.
Where can I find the latest financial information?
Please refer to IR.
Where can I find the latest company information and press releases?
Please refer to News.
What are your official social media accounts?
X (English): @asteria_IR
X (Japanese): @asteria_corp
Facebook (Japanese)
What do certain words or technical terms mean?
Please refer to the Glossary which explains securities and technical terminology, product names, etc. used in our presentations and other materials.
What is XML?
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple text-based format for representing structured information: data, documents, configuration and more. It was recommend by the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) in 1998 to ensure that uniform computer data formats across different manufacturers and software, and is one of the most widely-used formats for sharing structured information today.
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