Road Freight Transport Company Rakusai Trucking Adopts Platio and Creates Delivery Record App to Ease Burden on Drivers as the ‘2024 Problem in Logistics Industry’ Looms


Resort Hotel and ‘Ryokan’ Operator Relo Vacations Adopts Platio to Digitize Equipment Inspection Process at About 70 Facilities in Japan
Asteria Names Panasonic Information Systems ‘Partner of the Year 2023’ for Its Sales Contribution among Six Winners of ASTERIA Warp Partner Award 2023

Living Service Provider Nac Adopts Platio and Creates ‘Delivery Management App’ to Eliminate Paper Delivery Notes

Communication Module Developer LIMNO Adopts Platio; Young Staff Members Create Over 20 Types of No-code Apps as “DX Influencers”

Platio Leads the “B2B No-code Mobile App Building Tool Market” in 3 Categories

Systems Developer Icomsoft Adopts Platio Connect to Create Mobile App for Remote Inventory Management in Just 2 Days

Industrial Waste Treatment Company Kotoku Cleaner Introduces Platio to Create an App for Reporting ISO Compliance

Platio Introduced as Seminar Course Material at Chiba University of Commerce; Students without Programming Experience Create Apps in 1 Hour